Sydnor Update

Monday, October 16, 2006

refugees who reach refugees

The Fellowship of Christian Refugees team (FCR) has a vision to empower and equip refugees for ministry. The vision in a nutshell is to reach the nations through refugees. If we can give Christ to refugees, then refugees will take Christ into all the world. The team leader for FCR, Nana (holding the child) recently visited several refugees who are part of FCR and its network. The FCR community pictured live in a building with about 60 refugees in a remote part of Austria. Tony is the leader of this FCR community (first on the left). The community began when Tony became aware of the needs of some of his fellow refugees in the house. He began to sell newspapers on the street corners in a city a couple hours of traveling distance away. With this money, he bought food and even cooked for those in need. Tony's witness of love and service was so powerful that a number of refugees from places like Georgia, Azerbaijan and Chechnya began to meet with the FCR group. Tony's Christ-like love has drawn these refugees in who otherwise would have no interest in a Christian group.

Monday, October 02, 2006

helping Nana to lead

One of the leaders I support and guide is Nana. Nana and his family are refugees from the Ivory Coast. Nana leads the FCR team (Fellowship of Christian Refugees). Their vision is to equip refugees for service in local churches and beyond. The vision is for refugees to reach refugees. If we can give Christ to refugees then we can reach the world.

Most of my first month back in Austria has been spent helping Nana to form a business plan for this vision. We have met several times and gone over many of the questions that come up. I'll be the first to say I'm not a business expert...

But I know from experience, it is really hard to sit down with a refugee to have a bible study over a cup of coffee when you know that they have to find a new place to live within a few days, the means to pay for it and are in deep depression about the whole thing.

So, the reason, I am into business plans and a lot of other questions is because I want to turn over every stone possible in order to empower refugees to reach refugees. Refugees are probably the best ones equipped to figure out the existential questions. My job is to support (assist) this and then to connect this life with the practice of their faith. I think this is exactly what is going on in the diaspora communities which we read about in the later epistles of the New Testament.

Last week, I visited the FCR team to take part in their seminar to train refugee leaders. There were 15 african refugees taking part in this. With the help of team funds, they traveled from every part of Austria where they are living as refugees to study learn and pray together.

Back on my blog

My last post to this was on our way to the states to visit our friends and supporters.
We've been there now ...done that ...and hopefully many are still waiting to hear from me.

The family joined me in Chicago

From there we drove to Virginia where we visited most of our supporters. we even made it to Kitty Hawk, NC.

Looking back over my calendar, I see that we had over 30 different meetings and presentations with different individuals and churches -over the course of 6 weeks. There was still a lot more that we were not able to arrange. Here are Tessa and Noah at one of our meetings

And here am I...

We made it back to Innsbruck to one of the coldest Augusts on record.

Thanks to all those who recieved us, helped us and sent us. Thanks for your prayers and support.

Paul and Family