Sydnor Update

Friday, April 11, 2008

joy in the Lord

I just got back from picking up Noah and Tessa from the Jr. High group. The group discussed "The Joy of the Lord". Tessa said that the discussion was mostly about what IS this joy. Finally, in the group Tessa asked, "How we get the joy of the Lord?" Noone could really answer.

We talked about it in the car on the way home. Noah said, "it's like when we do well in school -we know all the answers, we pass our tests -then we have joy." Tessa said, "we have joy when we rejoice."

I think they are onto something really important. Our joy as Christians is active and alive. It is not a description but it is an action -specifically God's action in our life. Like Psalm 35:9 says, "I rejoice in the Lord, I exult in his salvation." So if we want to "get" more joy, then we need to get a bigger view of what God is doing in our life.


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