Sydnor Update

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Easter in Germany

We spent Easter in Germany with the Reinhild's parents. I'm sitting here with Reinhild's Dad who is battling bone cancer and is mostly paralyzed in his legs.

I knew I was in Germany when one Radio broadcast introduced the following program. "A guide for hikes in the Easter holiday, with special tips for the Sunday Easter walk."

Monday, March 24, 2008


The week before Easter, I went to Vienna to meet with several groups. One group was this one below as we discussed the final stages of two resources. One is a German language aid for refugees and the other is a Bible Study called "Entertaining Angels" published in English by Exodus World Ministries. The director of the Austrian Bible Society (2nd on the right) was present. She shared about their own projects for refugees and offered to even help publish the bible study in German. Both of these projects originated with Julie Soltis (center). Also present were team leaders Carol (right) and Joy (left). I praise God for the opportunity to support and work alongside such gifted people as these.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


A number of readers have been trying to guess what is happening in those family sherade photos posted on Feb 7. Here are the answers!
1. eating in a restuarant
2. rap star
3. playing in an orchestra
4. going to the hairdresser
5. driving a race car
6. horseback lesson
7. preaching
8. coronation ceremony

Sunday, March 09, 2008


Last week we attended the Share educational conference. It has become an annual event for us to meet together with about 200 other people who raise third culture kids and are thinking about educational and developmental questions.
Both the kids and parents have a planned program each day. This year the keynote speaker for the parents was Dr. Kathy Koch and the theme was multiple intelligences and learning styles. Besides the plenary sessions there are lots of seminars and workshops on everything from TCK profiles, to motivating your children, to planning a curriculum.
This year at the talent show below Noah played guitar, Tessa the piano, and Luke did a rap.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Oregon migration

Bound for Oregon
Sometimes as a family we read together in the evenings. Recently we have been reading "Bound for Oregon" by Jean Van Leeuwen. It's the story of a pioneer family in America who immigrated from Arkansas to Oregan in the 1850's. The longer I listened each evening to their struggles, hopes and dereams, the more I asked myself how much these pioneers might compare to refugees nowadays. These pioneers struck out on their journey along the Oregon trail between 1840 and 1870. For many it was the last resort to escape the hardships back home. The author notes that much of this westward migration took place less than a decade before the civil war, during a time of increasing conflict over the issue of slavery. According to her, the journey was filled with trials that were overcome by a mixture of common sense, courage and personal faith. To what extent was the journey of these pioneers in America similar to the one that of refugees? And how much does God use this journey to build and preserve a people of faith.