Sydnor Update

Saturday, July 28, 2007

refugees in Vorarlberg

last week the team leader from FCR (on my right) visited some refugees in the far western part of Austria. Noah and I went to spend part of this time with him and his family.

There are several hundred refugees all in different locations within a 20 mile area. As we sat around the table talking with a group of these guys who were christians, and they said there is a huge need to visit these refugees to encourage them and help them as they are able. Some are in prison and these especially need the encouragement. The need for this encouragement reminds me of the ending in Colossians. Paul dedicated nearly the entire last chapter to all the prayers and greetings that were being sent and given.

As we sat around the table talking about the needs, the light went on for all of us at the same time. One of these guys could work as a kind of pastor. The only thing keeping this from happening is the need for a monthly bus ticket. If we could figure out some way to organize this ticket, then he could go around from house to house to visit and encourage, pray and bring God's word.


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