Sydnor Update

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Overseeing FCR

In my regional leadershp role, I am helping a refugee and fellow co-worker in IT named Nana. Nana is a new team leader in IT with the vision to build a new team. We call this team FCR (Fellowship of Christian Refugees). It is a unique team because of its vision to help refugees reach refugees. I love this because, Nana is African, the team is new and the limits for how we minister are being pushed and stretched.

The team will emphasize service and discipleship among refugees. As a team leader Nana has the responsibility to make decisions to build and develop his team. Over the past three months I have spent a lot of time with him to talk and think through some of his decisions and efforts for this. The cultural differences inherent as an African in Europe make this kind of discussion and support absolutely crucial, ...and I found myself facing such issues as racism, prejudice and pride. I believe we have to walk through the issues that come up in order to understand how our work and teams relate to one another and how they can best fit into the local communities.

We approach these things with our own cultural idea of how it should be. It's like the Jew-Gentile issue in the first church... But let's be more personal, it's like marriage! Each of us has our own idea of how things should be done. My experience tells me that the more diverse the two sides are, then the more time it takes for understanding one another and working together.

What do you think? Do you think that God would want us to bull through the issues that come up to do it "my way", or does he want us to seek unity? And, is this unity on the basis of my culture and idea or some other? Surely, the nations streaming to God are not waving an American flag the American way! I might be, but should I expect my Persian or African brothers to be doing the same and vice-versa? So on what basis do we come before the throne of God? We need to get there as quick as possible! These are the issues at heart as I guide and lead Nana in building his team.
(Visiting with Nana in Guntramsdorf as he prepares lunches for some of the homeless refugees that his team brings food to.)


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